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Sunday, March 19, 2017


I had some wonderful experiences this week that have boosted my faith a bit.

I may have mentioned in a  previous post that I have been praying for some opportunities to serve other people.  I'm not a go-getter.  It is difficult for me to initiate conversations and offer to help without being invited.  Anyway, I am continuously finding opportunities to help.  Thus, my first belief has to do with the power of prayer.

I feel like the belief in prayer is being lost in our society.  It isn't a new concept, but it seems that unless someone's life is at risk, prayer isn't a part of everyday life for many people.  I believe there is a God who listens to the petitions that are made to him.  There is no petition too small that he isn't willing to respond too.  When I was a small child, about 7 or 8 probably, my father and I were driving home from grandma's house and the car wouldn't start.  My dad suggested we say a prayer to get it started and that I be the voice of the prayer.  Immediately after the prayer, my father turned the key and the car started.  This was the first time (that I can remember) out of many instances in which I have received an answer to my prayers.

I think it important to note that I also believe that sometimes the answer God gives is know.  As a father, I try to do what is best for my children.  I do not claim to know what is best for them, but I do attempt to make decisions that will result in their maximum benefit.  Well, I believe God is the Father of our spirits.  As our Heavenly Father, He KNOWS what is best for us, and may answer "NO", or "Not yet", or "I'll get back to you on that once you learn a few other lessons first."  He is the great teacher, but we can't learn from him unless we trust that he truly knows best.

As part of answering my prayers for opportunities to sacrifice my time and anxieties to help other people, I received an opportunity this week to help my mother.  I do not want to go into details for her sake, but she asked at 10 pm (on a night that felt like it would never end due to projects and assignments) if I would give her a priesthood blessing.

A priesthood blessing is an ordinance in my faith that allows a priesthood holder to lay hands on the head of the afflicted and bestow blessings upon that person.  The priesthood is the power and authority of God.  It was with the power of the priesthood that God made the heavens and the earth.  It was by the priesthood that Christ performed miracles.  it was with the priesthood that God reveals his truth today and sends his spirit to those who desire to know Him.  I have been given the priesthood by Christ's called authorities today and can therefore, according to my own righteousness and faith, comfort and heal those who are afflicted in some way.

I must add that as I give blessings, like I did to my mom on that night, I allow the Holy Ghost, or the Spirit of God, to direct my words and grant the blessings God would have me grant.

Well, there wasn't anything else I would have rather done that night then give my mom a blessing.  I was surprised by the words that were said as I acted as voice, because, quite frankly, I worry about saying the right things to my mom who has triggers that throw her into anxiety attacks, which was the reason she asked me over in the first place.

I think that is enough for today.  Prayer is essential in life today.  It is a lack of prayer that encourages the negativity and hate that impregnates society today.  I may forget to say a prayer in the morning, or at night.  But I never forget to pray.  It is a real communication with God.  Try it out and let me know your experiences!

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